Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunshine Angel - Okinawa

A few days ago, a new Taiwan idol drama series (Sunshine Angel) was aired on a local channel. Unlike the usual Taiwan idol drama where most (if not all) of the scenes are taken in Taiwan/China, a fair bit of this drama was filmed in Okinawa, Japan. Furthermore, part of the drama is also in Japanese. Personally, I really enjoyed watching the drama as it often shows the culture and the scenic waters of Okinawa. Perhaps, these are not depicted in detail but it definitely has succeeded in making me a potential tourist of the sunny island.

If you come across any of such drama, feel free to share it with us! Well, we may not be able to fly to Japan immediately but at least we can be there virtually.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Aoba is proud to have a Touhoku Ambassador

One of our students, Miss Chue went on a trip to Sendai as a Touhoku Ambassador with 100 other students in an attempt to volunteer in the recovery efforts of the disaster stricken area.

For more information, please visit her blog.

There will also be an exhibition at ION on the 24th and 25th September. This exhibition will showcase the group's trip around the Touhoku regions and its current situation. Please attend if you have the time!! :D

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