Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shakai no Mado 社会の窓

I learned the following idiom from a television program.

Shakai no mado. 社会の窓.
Translated directly, it would be "The window(s) of society".

However, in modern context, the idiom is actually referring to the fly of a men's jeans, pants, or any other garments. The idiom originated from the title of a NHK radio show in the Showa period, which often exposed unknown secrets of society to listeners.

So male readers, the next time when you hear someone say to you "社会の窓が開いている" (your window of society is open), look downwards and try to close it discreetly. ^^

Monday, May 16, 2011

震災が教えてくれたこと。 Lessons to be Learned from the Earthquake Disaster.





2 months have passed since the Touhoku Earthquake disaster. While it had been a tragic event unfathomable to many, at the same time, it also provided an opportunity for us to rediscover what we may have forgotten.

A case in point: the kindness from people all around us. Moriya-sensei sent an email from Japan right after the earthquake happened, asking us if our families were alright.
(Actually, on the other hand, I think Moriya-sensei's home was slighty damaged.)
"Students have sent me mails and messages asking "Is your family alright?" And also, those people who have helped in raising funds for the cause.. Since then, I've been rather busy everyday, at times even losing focus. Once again, I have experienced the fact that I'm surrounded by many kind and helpful people."

Much time will be needed to repair the emotional wounds of victims and of those affected in other ways, but I believe that the streets will be restored to become even livelier than ever before.

I will also try to do my best in finding strength and lending a land to those people in need.

And I'm sure that everyone wishes to travel to Touhoku again once it has been restored, right?

-土屋先生 (Tsuchiya-sensei)

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