Thursday, March 27, 2014








Mount Kouya (Mount Koya)

Mount Kouya was recorded as a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2004.
In the ninth century, this place first opened for Kuukai’s (aka Kouboudaishi) training in Buddhism. Since then, it is  famous as a Japanese Buddhist sacred ground.

There are more than 100 temples in the area. At many of these temples, it is possible to lodge and experience Shukubou training.

Rich in nature, different beautiful sceneries of the four seasons can be experienced here.

Do go and give it a try!



Thursday, February 6, 2014

Zodiac Signs


The twelve (animal) signs of the  zodiac came to Japan in the sixth century.

Even now, the zodiac signs are used not only in China and Japan, but also in Vietnam and Mongolia.

However, there are some differences in the zodiac signs in use, such as ‘a water buffalo’ instead of a cow’ in Vietnam and ‘a cat in place of a rabbit’ in Thailand.

In any case, this year is umadoshi 「午年」or year of the horse.
(kanji for zodiac午=馬kanji for horse).

It will be good if this year is a year of galloping progress!


Monday, December 2, 2013







Does everybody know what is a telegram or telegraph ?

A long time ago, urgent messages were sent by telegram. But now, because it has become possible to communicate easily with people around the world by e-mail and phone, telegram has fallen out of use in many countries.

However, in Japan telegram is still useful.

For wedding and funeral ceremonies etc, when there is a want to send messages publicly, telegrams are sent with high-class covers attached.


Monday, November 18, 2013





For some reason, this year, I stayed at a hostel for the first time in my life.

Up till then, I never imagined sharing a room with people I don’t know but, after giving it a try I found it surprisingly interesting.

That time, I read in Internet articles that hostels are the focus of attention in Japan. The hostels are well decorated, economical and places where people from many different countries can mingle. Those who have not experienced staying at a hostel, please give it a try.

Monday, October 14, 2013




Rice season has come

Hello, have you heard of the saying みのるほどこうべれる稲穂いなほかな」  ?

According to the dictionary, it means that like rice plants that droop lower as they are laden with fruit , human beings are more  humble and modest with the deepening of learning and virtue, while narrow-minded people behave arrogantly.

The boughs that bear most hang lowest.
The more noble, the more humble.

Friday, October 11, 2013



Question 1: ()でる」。What is the reading of this kanji?

The correct answer is me-de-ru.

This word has the meaning ‘to savour beauty and be moved‘.

Japanese people savour the beauty of and are moved by many different things, like cherry blossoms, maple leaves and the full moon.  It is a word that is often used by Japanese people enjoying the beauty of nature that comes with the four seasons.

Many more beauty of the nature are captured here :

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