Sunday, October 17, 2010

交流会 Cultural Exchange Party @ Akibanana!

お帰りなさいご主人様~  Welcome home Master~,

The long wait is over!!!

Here are the magnificent pictures of our latest event @ AKIBANANA~

The event was conducted at A87 Akibanana Cafe, with a full capacity of 40 people!!

For those who missed out on this event, please look forward to the next one =^_^= Nyan~

More photos will be available on our Facebook page. ぜひ見てください!

A table full of enthusiastic and fun people!

Next, we have the Omu rice designs.

Here we have Kuma chan. (Bear)

And then we had nyan ko. (cat)

Usagi chan~ (rabbit)

Many different images were drawn according to ご主人様's interest. >.<

A large display rack full of anime and cosplay items.

It looks a little dark, but here everyone is playing a Jan-Ken-Pon (scissors, paper, stone) game with the maids. It involves the famous A87 signature move. The winner gets a free Polaroid shot with the maid of their choice and a goody bag!

Participants from AOBA

One of our students (in orange) and his newly made friend (in black vest) with Miku san.

The famous nekomimi meido san.

Last but not least, a huge group photo!! :)


  1. DAREKA..... Tell me about "Maid cafe dance"

  2. A. KI. BA. NA. NA~~~ Moe~ Moe~~~~ Jan. Ken. Pon!! shin chan mo shittemasuyo. XD
    全力全開MOE レベルMAXだからさ。

    きもい? :x

  3. し△ちゃ▲も、パーティで癒されたんだ。
    彼はとても社交的だから、I THINK このままオタクになってしまうことはないです...ね?

  4. シャ☆フ○イさん、☆グネ★さん、くΔこさん、はΔしさん・・・みなさん、イベント企画をはじめサポートありがとう!


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