Saturday, August 14, 2010

セントーサが生まれ変わった Sentosa has a fresh face


The universal studios and casino. Sentosa underwent significantly great change recently.
Has everyone been there yet?
I've been thinking of wanting to go over someday but can't find the time to. (And of course there is the issue of money)
For those who went, please share your experiences with me! :)

-Tsuchiya sensei

Once again, thanks to all of you who took the effort to input your valuable opinions and thoughts.
Please do continue to support this blog!! :)



  1. If possible, go on a weekday.
    No point queuing for long periods of time for the attractions, and you get to meet many, many Japanese tourists as well.

    Plus, the ticket price is cheaper as well ($66 for an adult ticket).

    If you can spare the time, you can visit the park in its after-hours operation on Fridays and Saturdays from 7pm to 10pm.
    Ticket price is at only $5, but only a portion of the park is open and no rides available. However, there's a fireworks show at 10pm, so why not visit at those times as a preview? ^^

    Some pictures of the fireworks:

  2. Hi Maverick,

    Thanks for your informative commennt! There are bound to be lots of people who will benifit from it. By the way, the fireworks are very impressive. Nice pictures! :)

  3. $66ってずいぶん高いんですね。その価値はありますか??


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