おまたせしました。AOBA CHAT ただ今OPENしました!
AOBA CHATはAOBA LANGUAGE CENTREで日本語を勉強するみなさんと先生たちのおしゃべりのブログです。
Welcome to Aoba's blog!
A rendezvous place for all students and teachers of Aoba!
This blog aims to promote and facilitate further communication between the teachers, students and potential students of Aoba. Wait no further, add us to your RSS feed or bookmark this page now!
Various topics will be discussed from time to time, further enhancing your knowledge of the Japanese culture. Please feel free to provide your own opinions and comments.
Let's take chatting to the next level!
Note: This blog's content (sometimes grumbles from teachers) is supplied by the teachers from Aoba, and (translated)& published with the help of student assistants. Heart warming responses are greatly appreciated.
Firstly, let's have a little talk on the school's name.
Right now in Japan, with the end of spring, the blooming of flowers have just ended and the sprouting of new and young leaves on the trees have begun.
The newly sprouted leaves are overflowing with a sense of power.
New leaves arise from sprouts and before long, maturing into trees producing magnificently beautiful flowers.
In that same manner, we want our students and us teachers to grow and learn together. Hence, the kanji of 「青葉」. Which has the implied meaning of starting your learning experience as a small sprout, slowly and steadily gaining more experience and finally be able to stand on your own as a person who can confidently converse in Japanese.
「青菜」 has the literal meaning of 「Fresh leaves」. But 「青菜」 is [Not for eating!]