Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sakura Zensen

To the Japanese people, flower viewing is a very important tradition. Every year between the months of March to May, the Japanese people would gather at parks to view the beautiful flowers blossom. The flowers viewed are usually Cherry Blossoms also known as Sakura in Japenese. There are many types of Sakura in Japan but the Somei Yoshi No is the main type that is viewed by the Japanese.

During this spring season, weather forecast would show where in Japan have the cherry blossoms bloom. There is also a rating of 1-10 to show how much of the flowers have blossomed. Ratings 8 and above would mean a full bloom of the flowers.

However this year, the winter was colder than usual in Japan hence resulted in a later blooming of the flowers.
An example of a Cherry blossom weather map:

The forecast of this year:

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