And in glorious widescreen (16:9) format as well! After years of complaining, our protagonists were greatly pleased indeed!
For those who are unsure about what Gintama is all about, it follows the adventures of protagonist Sakata Gintoki and his trusty "employees", Shimura Shinpachi and Kagura (see above). They run the Yorozuya Gin-chan, a freelancer business that takes on any kind of requests, from searching for a lost cat to saving an entire town from a tyrant ruler!
Set in the Edo period, many characters join them in their hilarious antics, such as the unforgettable Shinsengumi, although the creator Sorachi Hideaki's version of its members are not what you would expect!
For example, Hijikata Toshirou is a mayonnaise maniac, Okita Sougo is a sadist, and Kondou Isao is a...stalker?
Parodies of various fellow Shonen JUMP titles can be found in Gintama, such as Dragonball Z, BLEACH, and even Death Note!
And if you are studying the Japanese language, you can learn quite a bit about Japanese culture and phrases, though the title cards in every episode and the countless puns in the show. ^^
Gintama has a superb cast lending their voices to the characters, such as Sugita Tomokazu (Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi - Kyon), Tachiki Fumihiko (Neon Genesis Evangelion - Gendou Ikari), and Kujira (Naruto - Orochimaru). (A personal favorite is Kagura, voiced by Sugimiya Rie)
And the simplistic art is easy on the eyes as well~
A recommended title for lightening your mood, especially after a day of hard work!
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