The very first word I memorised when I came to South East Asia was [Ta Bao][打包].
It means [to bring home/takeaway] or [to wrap up].
And following, the next one I remembered was [Mai Tan][买单].
Well, if you know this 2 phrases, you can somehow survive here.... right?
-2c from Tsuchiya sensei
If you have any Chinese phrases to teach sensei, please submit a comment! XD
Please include the Chinese characters, Pin yin pronounciation as well as the meaning~
We look forward to learning from you!
other common phrases will be:
ReplyDelete你好 (zao an):こんにちは
谢谢 (xie xie):ありがとう
对不起 (dui bu qi):すみません
早安 (zao an):お早うございます
午安 (wu an):こんにちは
傍晚好 (bang wan hao): こんばんは
晚安 (wan an):お休みなさい
ところで「Green Chili」は中国語でなんというのでしょうか?
Interesting topic.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the term "da3 bao1"= "to wrap up" = takeaway/ to pack is quite a unique usage in Singapore. The other term vs da3 bao1 打包= chi1 吃(eat) which is used to mean to eat-in so they will serve you in plates rather than pack the food for you.
So when you go to the hawker centre, the hawker will ask you if you want to "chi1" 吃or da3 bao1 打包 ? For someone from China and Taiwan, it may sound odd to them as all food bought are meant to be eaten!? (chi1)吃 .
I heard the term "da3 bao1"打包 is avoided in hospitals in Hong Kong as it means someone died...and the corpse needs to be "wrapped up" こわいです!
note: number 1/2/3/4 indicates the 4 tones in Mandarin.
If you read 大包 da4 bao1 instead of da3 bao1打包 , 大包 means big bun !
ps: chilli = la4 jiao1 辣椒
green = qing1 青
red= hong2 红
"want chilli or not" = yao4 bu yao4 la4 jiao1? 要不要辣椒?
yao4 (want) 要
green chilli= qing1 la4 jiao1 青辣椒
red chilli= hong2 la4 jiao1 红辣椒
你好= ni2 hao3 = hello!/ how are you?
for sharing, kolala
「Green Chili」は「青辣椒(qing la jiao)」です。
ReplyDelete「Red Chili」は「红辣椒(hong la jiao)」です。
もしもう少しchilliが欲しい, "多一点辣椒。谢谢。(duo yi dian la jiao. xie xie)" と言ってください!
just to add on...
ReplyDelete「Green Chili」は「青辣椒 qing la jiao チン ラー チアオ」です。
「たまご」は「鸡蛋(ji dan ジ ダン)」です。
「きのこ」は「蘑菇(mo gu モウ グ)」です。
☆わたしは タパオします。
・・・・(いいです ^O^)
☆わたしを タパオします。
xie xie Lah。またね。